Saturday, May 11, 2013

Weekend Speculation

"Your acting all season has been
 more wooden than mine right now."
Well, this is it. The culmination of a bizzare, lackluster season. A season that started with tremendous promise and then seems to have shat the bed.

By Kitsis and Edwards own admission their biggest regret of Season 2 was having August/Pinnochio tasered to death, because wood is historically traditionally scientifically not the greatest conductor of electricity.
Biggest Season Two Regret
Eddy and Adam also took a moment to address a major fan complaint this season: The Tasing of Pinocchio. "Here's the thing, we thought, 'We need a real world weapon.'" In the moments in making that decision we never realized the backlash that would be from a taser," Eddy emphatically said. "We just figured the audience assumed it wasn't a taser ... but they didn't. So I got a lot of history lessons about wood and conducting electricity. If I could go back one season and change one thing, I would have made it a syringe. If she had just taken a [glowing] syringe and shoved it into the dragon, no one would give a sh*t. I am sorry we chose a taser. We are willing to take the hit for the taser. We f*cked up." (

So we head into "And Straight On Til Morning" on Sunday. Neal/Baelfire has been shot and gone through the portal into another world. We've gained some insight into Hook and Baelfire's past relationship - that is, that they had a past relationship.

Here's what we know:

  • Neal and Emma are Henry's biological parents
  • Neal is Baelfire, Rumpelstiltskin's biological son
  • Rumplestiltskin believes that Henry will be his undoing, based on the prophecy of the seer.
  • Neal and Emma both traveled to other worlds through the Blue Fairy's involvement.
  • Rumpelstiltskin says that fairy magic doesn't mix well with what he is
  • Emma is inherently magical - The Chosen One, born of true love destined to break the Dark Curse. She hasn't actually broken it yet. 
  • Shortly after being sent to A World Without Magic, Baelfire is taken to Neverland.
  • In Neverland, you don't age. Hook goes there with the intent of giving himself unlimited time to plot his revenge against Rumpelstiltskin, since The Dark One has "life eternal". (But can apparently be killed by poison. Whatever.)
  • Rumpelstiltkin is the "crocodile" responsible for cutting off Hook's hand - and killing his True Love - Milah.
  • Milah is Rumpelstiltskin's former wife, and Baelfire's mother.
  • There are faries in Neverland, according to Wendy.

Here's what we don't know:

  • We don't know why The Shadow is kidnapping boys to Neverland.
  • Where Neal is now.
  • What happens to Baelfire while he is in Neverland.
  • How Baelfire/Neal gets back from Neverland to A World Without Magic.
  • What Hook and and Baelfire's relationship is to one another.
  • How Henry got his book of Fairy Tales - weren't we promised that this season?

Shady. Bitch.
Is it possible that The Blue Fairy is playing a bigger end game than Rumpel? Both Emma and Neal made it to A Land Without Magic through her involvement. But Baelfire/Neal was born and went through the portal LONG before Emma was conceived or even thought of. So a mysterious magical force, coming from a land which houses mermaids and faries is kidnapping young boys and keeping them in a land where they don't age for reasons unknown. But we know Neal leaves Neverland somehow. In time to meet Emma and father a child. A child who is now being prophesied/assumed to be the undoing of The Dark One.

Rumpelstiltskin's willing to chalk Regina's adoption of Henry up to 'fate'.  I'm not so sure.

I also still think that Bae is the reason that Hook knows about Rumpel's dagger. I can't help but wonder if/when Baelfire finds out that Rumpelstiltskin is actually the person responsible for Milah's death.

I'm not so sure that Baelfire IS Peter Pan. I'll be pleasantly surprised if he's not.


  1. I'd still find it really interesting if Bae were to be Peter. I just think it would be a cool twist on the original story, where the shadow comes looking for "Peter" instead of the other way around. :-) I also like the shadow character twist cuz, in the original movie, it was pretty rambunctious when it was free of Peter, so this is a cool take on how it would behave if left to its own devices.

  2. True, but then we'd have to figure out whose shadow it is. Or, if the shadow is an independent force, we'd have to learn why it does what it does.
