Tuesday, May 14, 2013

And Straight on To S3!

It just isnt a season finale without Belle getting her memory back. Maybe she should try scrapbooking to shorthand all this in the future?

Who did we meet?: No one we haven't met already! 3 nameless "Lost Ones" as Smee refers to them. I've seen one (the one with lines) referred to as Felix, but I don't know if that's actually his name, or if that was the name given for the casting call.

When/Where do the events take place?: Neverland, pre dark curse...probably. If no one ages in Neverland, it's going to be difficult to measure the passage of time. It's safe to assume it's pre-DC because we know that Hook returns to the EF, and is there when the curse is cast.  The question now is HOW both Baelfire and Hook  (and his ship and his crew) escape Neverland. Also Modern-Day Storybrooke.

What did we learn?: Baelfire/Neal is NOT Peter Pan. Peter Pan is after Henry.

Why is this important?: Henry. Why is Henry important? To anyone in life ever, really, but why is he suddenly more important of "the sacredness of [Greg and Tamara's] cause" and all their professed loathing of magic goes out the window as they haul Henry through a portal to Neverland...because Henry "changed everything". >.< Doctor, my head.

Oh, Henry!: Please tell me that him being kidnapped means that there will be less Henry in S3. You can call the whole season The Quest for Henry - just as long as we don't have to actually deal with him until like...12 episodes in.

Really OUAT?: SO many of these...oy.
  • Lost Boy Ninja...guy? Felix? We're familiar with the sound of ripping. Your onomotopoeiac interpretation of sound is not so much sinister as sillly.

  • I know I've mentioned this many times before, but David is REALLY trigger-happy. Wasnt he supposed to stop being Sherriff when Emma got back? Cause that was awhile ago. He's getting to the poing where it is Not Ok. Like openly threatening Hook with his gun in front of everyone. But I guess that's to set up the testosterone battle we're going to see between Hook and David in the coming season.

  • Honestly, we couldn't get an "I will always find you" for Rumple and Belle? They've had it harder than Charming and Snow. And THEY'VE found each other. Lots of times. It'd be sweet and poignant coming from Rumple and Belle. It might even get Snow and Charming to soften toward him - just a little.

Wait, What?: Philip's back! (It actually took me saying the words out loud for it to register that Philip was back. "Mulan, Philip, Aurora...Philip! PHILIP!!!") Oh, goddammit, we're going to have to see Mulan and Aurora team up to defeat the wraith in flashback, aren't we?

So...what, Regina and Emma are The Magic Wonder Twins now? The internet is going to have a FIELD DAY. (OMG WHAT WAS EMMA GOING TO SAY TO REGINA WHEN SHE TURNED AROUND??? SHE TOTES THOUGHT REGINA WAS GOING TO DIE AND SHE WAS GOING TO PROFESS HER LOVE!!!) ...No. Not going to happen. Regina and Emma are not Gabrielle and Xena reborn. I have zero opposition to that happening. But this is a prime-time network show on ABC whose parent company is Disney with lots of nods to G-rated Disney properties. They're going to make this show as action-packed as possible without any actual Action, and as titilating as they can with out any actual tits. You want that, you watch Game of Thrones. -Soapbox Moment- I doubt this show will ever highlight an LGBT character. They may throw out some canon/non-canon character info at a con, but this show is probably going to stay heteronormative. More's the pity. I would REALLY like to know why all the giants & dwarves are male, why the faries all seem to be female, and how they all manage to reproduce. /soapbox

I call shenanigans on Rumplestiltskin. He's all skeptical - and rightly so - that the Blue Fairy (who we have seen what, twice this season?) has suddenly and miraculously created a magic potion that restores Enchanted Forest memories. And then he just happens to be carrying  a concealment spell in his pocket to give to Belle. Then again he can see the future. Alright, I'll let it slide.

We can just change the name of The Jolly Roger to the SS Uneasy Truce. Upcoming feuds will include:
  • Hook/Rumple
  • Rumple/Regina
  • Emma/Hook - before makeouts
  • Hook/David - testosterone fights!
  • Regina/Emma - SHUT UP INTERNET.
  • Regina/Snow - Bored with this.
  • Rumple/Rumple - To Kill Henry, or to Not Kill Henry...it's not really a question.
BUT THEY ALL NEED EACH OTHER!!! TO SAVE HENRY!!! ...and find Neal who isn't dead, just shot...

I sincerely hope that Greg and Tamara don't make it out of the season alive. I doubt they will. I also think there's a very real possibility that either Greg or Tamara or both have (at least!)been to Neverland before.

Lots of recap and speculation this summer between viewings of Game of Thrones, and True Blood, and Warehouse 13, and Scandal...ok, maybe I'm using the term "lots" loosely.


  1. Your opening made me think of 50 First Dates. HOW DARE YOU. Also, I think David brandishes his gun the way he would brandish his sword in the EF. And I'm happy with the direction of the Peter Pan story, it was unexpected and got me interested in the series again. Good job, OUAT, on a strong finish!

  2. Ha! I've never seen 50 first dates. Should I?

    It's possible that you're right about the sword/gun comparison and I'll try hard not to make the freudian leap - but really, now that Emma's back, he shouldn't have the gun anymore. The dwarves were right to not give him a pickaxe.

    I agree there's a lot of interesting potential here. I hope they dont piss it away like they did with this season.
