Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday Recap: Going Home

Who did we meet?: No one new in the episode (Oh Hai Smee.)- BUT that promo! Make peace right meow with the fact that the emerald-skinned behatted woman in those promos is NOT Elphaba. And byee Felix. #notsorry

When/Where did the events take place?: Present Day Storybrooke, Pre-Dark Curse Enchanted Forest, 11 years ago Phoenix. If you aren't familiar with the word or concept of retconning - get familiar.

Why is this important?: If you "killed" the Blue Fairy and resurrected her within the span of not even two whole episodes, do you really expect us to believe Rumpelstiltskin is "dead"?

Wait, what?: "One day our story will reveal itself." Our story. Not our stories - implying all the residents of the EF.  I could have sworn this was Snow White and Prince Charming's story. I have to keep coming back to this. WHY are they called Fairy Tales? History is written by the winners.

Oh Henry!: A TRON lunchbox. REALLY.

Really OUAT?: We couldn't get Ruby back for this episode? Or Dr. Whale? Or Cinderella? Or Dr. Hopper?  It would have been nice to see ALL the residents of Storybrooke coming together, saying their goodbyes, whatever.

Best Line: "All I ever wanted was for us to raise our child together" - Snow White Really? That's ALL you ever wanted. Ever. YOU ARE A QUEEN. YOU HAVE A QUEENDOM TO RULE. Sense of duty? No? Somewhere dead King Leopold and dead Queen Eva are shaking their heads sadly. #shutupsnow

Remaining Questions/Random Thoughts/Crackpot Theories:

I really hope the Black Fairy turns out to be Maleficent.

OUAT, take a lesson. Whoopi Goldberg. Audra McDonald. Black nuns are the best nuns. Make good use of the one sister who got lines in this episode.

Hook NEVER changes his clothes, and he is wearing a LOT of leather. He smells. That's all there is to it at this point. 

Why does the shadow (FINE PAN'S SHADOW) have such a fixation on the fairy-nuns? What else does the shadow being destroyed mean? Does that mean Owen is alive again too? Will John and Michael rapidly age? DID they go back to London?

Something in Emma's eyes at the end of the episode makes me think Hook's Smooch Gambit worked. Is Emma going to have to convince Henry to believe now?

Why/How does the undoing of the curse affect Bae/Neal? He wasn't among the initially cursed. Same deal with Pinocchio - although he's now A Little Wooden Boy so maybe it doesn't matter? But Neal has memories in Neverland, and he's STILL Henry's biological father - is he going to have fake memories too? Not ever going to Neverland? Actually, how is this curse going to affect everyone if their memories are wiped AND Rumpel is gone. He's key to a lot (all) of the stories. it like he never existed? Do they all have fake memories of how he died? That's kind of shitty, being that he sacrificed himself and all.

Lots of questions - which is to be expected as it is midseason and we won't have new episodes until MARCH.  But it's ok you guys, we're a year in the future. So Henry's 12, and Emma is 30 now. This matters.

This wasn't a bad episode. A little schmaltzy, and I wish they'd let these kind of moments happen in little ways in every episode instead of ALL THE FEELINGS at the midseason break. The folks on this show are good actors when they can really get into it. I wish they'd do it more often.

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