Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Recap: Save....Henry?

Well. Well well well. All the hashtaggery has led us to this episode. And it was an interesting one. [Requisite Spoiler Warning]

Who did we meet?: No one new, but we got a new take on some old characters and it was nice to see the likes of Granny, Archie, and Dr. Whale again.

When and Where did the events take place?: 10/11 years ago in Storybrook, Present Day Neverland.

Wait, what?: Did Rumpel/Gold have his memories or not before the curse broke? He clearly has knowledge of Regina, The Dark Curse, the whole magilla in S1 when he accesses enough magic that the word "please" can stop Regina in her tracks. So did he ever lose his memories? Or has he bluffed the entire time? I want to revisit this, and get some clarity on what Rumpel knew and when. I doubt we will.

Also, how did we solve the problem of getting David out of Neverland? Did we actually figure that out, or are we just depending on Rumpel to twiddle his fingers and fix everything?

Why is this important?: Tinkerbell is getting  her magic back. She's got pixie dust - only a little, and it's inert! (So just, dust then?) Is this the OUAT equivalent of a Chekovian Gun?

Really OUAT?: Yeah, let's just open Pandora's box on the ship. What could possibly go wrong? I knew they should have turned Pan into a puppet.

Oh Henry!: Alright, he was a cute baby. I'll give them that. The OUAT folks know how to cast youngsters...with one notable exception.

Random Thoughts: I'm super bored with Felix and his slow slightly sinister sycophantic repetition.

Is it my imagination, or are some of those Lost Boys girls? Aside from Wendy, I mean. Is it just ordinary childlike androgeny, or are some of them girls?

Regina forgetting her worries for Henry is actually a fairly selfless and insightful act. It's pretty telling that for Henry she was willing to put aside her all-consuming and near constant desire for revenge for Henry's sake, especially when she was so close to returning him to the baby store.

Also YAY Regina - No Regrets! That's a powerful message. I can't regret the bad things I've done because they led me to my son. There's a difference between regret and remorse, and I'll hope for a little redemption for Regina - but now let's take that No Regrets mantra to the next level and say no resentment? Regina's moments with Henry were really sweet and genuine. Way to shut Snow and Emma up. Or down. Whichever. And yay for Rumpel giving her credit for raising him - that ish is WORK.

I wonder if Snow White resents that Regina got to raise a baby? Regina got all that first word/first steps/first tooth stuff that Snow never got with Emma. BUT EMMA WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE MECONIUM.

A spell so no one can ever take your heart...that seems like the kind of thing that's a good idea in theory, but can go horrifically wrong in practice. And by practice, I mean puberty. Of course, it comes in very handy 3 seconds later. But when all this resolves, and everyone is restored to their rightful bodies after the Super Duper Shadow Swap, not being able to take Henry's heart might be a problem for...I dunno, Wendy? Or Jefferson's daughter Grace? Who can eventual teen Henry get paired up with in Storybrook who is age-appropriate and he isn't already related to?

In what universe did two grown men (is being brothers part of their cover story in this world, or...what?) just line up to adopt babies 18 years ago without any raised eyebrows? Is this a progressive take or lazy writing?

Remaining Questions: Alright now let's see which Storybrookian recognizes that Henry is #NotAcuallyHenry.

Will it be Charming and Snow because True Love?

Will it be Emma and Neal because Biology?

Will it be Regina  because Nurture>Nature?

Or will it be Rumpel, because he knows his father's methods, and it will be SUPER AWKWARD because didn't he promise not to kill Henry, but the only way Pan can die is if Rumpel dies and OMIGOD ALL THIS SETUP.

Or will it be Hook when he catches Henry Pan stealing his guyliner.

....I'm betting on Hook.

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