Friday, March 1, 2013

Wow, has it really been almost 2 months since I updated this thing? SORRY!!! Lots of technical difficulties combined with all these hiatuses (hiati?) are interfering with my ability to be a proper fangirl-blogger.

So...since I can't blog while watching episodes, I'm going to have to fly without a net.

SPOILERS AHEAD (if you haven't yet seen "Tiny" or "Manhattan")

Where is Cora's heart? Clearly that's going to be the key to her undoing.

I don't think Rumplestiltskin sees any real need to "destroy" Henry, if that is what was being alluded to at the end of Manhattan...not sure where that's going to go. Maybe Henry is meant to be the undoing of The Dark One, not Rumplestiltskin. They are two separate entities.

I'm STILL hanging onto the theory that there's more to the Blue Fairy than we know. Shady bitch.

No more Sebastian Stan as Jefferson. Boo. Wah. Sturm und Drang. Rending of hair and gnashing of teeth. (No, I'm seriously upset - but as a pragmatist, I understand.)

WHAT is UP with Cora and Rumplestiltskin's past???

REALLY glad that now we're back in modern day Storybrooke we don't have to care what happens to Mulan and Aurora.

How's Belle going to get her memory back? Because crazy amnesiac tantrum-Belle is getting old. She's either going to need to get her old memories back, or get busy making some new ones.

Where's King George? Where's August? Where's Smee?WHERE'S ANYBODY??? (Sorry, slipped into RHPS for a moment. Won't happen again.)

Hook's boat is made of enchanted wood? Is that important, or...are boats just made of enchanted wood?

LOTS of allusions to mermaids and Wonderland. They're not going to get a tie in for Oz the Great and Powerful this season, but maybe in time for the blu-ray/DVD release?

Ages and times are an issue. Baelfire left the Enchanted Forest at 14, and at some point wound up in the world as we know it. He said he was running from his father. It's *possible* that he wound up in another realm first (Lost boys, anyone?) BUT, we know he met Emma when she was 18, and Henry is their son. He doesn't look much older than Emma. Maybe about Augusts' age? And we know he is 7 years older than Emma. Here's the problem. Emma and August aged at the same rate once they entered our world. Baelfire (IF he came straight to our world) would have done the same. Which means he has to be AT LEAST 14 years older than Emma. Probably more, because he was gone from the EF before Emma was even born. Emma was born just as the Dark Curse was being cast. When Baelfire went through the portal, Rumplestiltskin had aquired the Dark One's powers - but he hadn't yet begun to search for the Dark Curse. Which means, he hadn't met Regina. Which means he MAY not have even met Cora. He only met Regina when she had first become queen, which means Snow White was still fairly young. A fair bit of time must have passed between Baelfire's disappearance, and the casting of the Dark Curse.

We've still got quite a few episodes left this season. Lots can and probably will change. More soon!

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