Thursday, March 7, 2013

In The Name of the Brother revisited

Through the magic of Hulu, I kept re-watching this episode well after it aired. I couldn't figure out why. Other than that incredibly ODD kiss between Rumpel and Cora, we didn't get a whole lot out of it. I wanted to treat it as a throwaway episode, like Child of the Moon. So we got Viktor's backstory - big damn deal. But actually, this episode is a treasure trove of information and a beehive of activity.

Who do we meet?: The Frankensteins (ooh, can that be a show? Meet the Frankensteins!) and subsequently Dr. Frankenstein's monster, as well as Greg.

When and Where do events take place?: Present-Day Storybrooke, Pre Dark Curse Enchanted Forest...and Frankenland? BlackandWhiteville? What are we calling this place?

What do we learn?: Cora and Rumpel have a Past-with-a-capital-P (and that rhymes with T and that stands for TROUBLE.) as mentor and pupil as well as some kind of romantic past. Which sort of begs the question, is Henry (Senior) actually Regina's biological father or not?!?!  I'm leaning toward the side of not. I think the only non-biological family unit's we've seen are via adoption. (Regina/Henry(Junior), Regina/Snow, King George/James) There are no wrong-side-of-the-sheets shenanigans because We are Disney and this is a Family Show.  So, by all means infidelity because that celebrates Independence and Troo Luv....just as long as nothing spawns from your selfish selfish conjugal union. Sorry, tangent.

We also learn that Cora knows about Baelfire. How does she know about him? Granted, Smee knows about him too - but Smee has knowledge of the events around the time that they happened. When the town was still gossiping over the village coward's wife running off with a pirate. It makes *sense* that he would know. By the time that Belle and Rumpel meet, he's been The Dark One for so long, that Baelfire is no longer common knowledge. So how does Cora learn this information?

Why is this important?: Ruby has super-speed. Whoopie.

Oh Henry!: In a rare moment of useful exposition, Henry says that Dr. Frankenstein's story is not in The Book. Which means there are other stories, other lands...and perhaps most importantly - other storytellers. I think this leaves the most likely candidates for other realm-jumping storytellers to be  Alice, Dorothy, and the Darling children - most likely Wendy. Henry also points out that this means that the Dark Curse went to other lands. Regina mentions in an earlier episode that the curse brought who she wanted. Ok, we can understand why she wanted to punish Jefferson and Dr. Whale. Even if she thought she was dead, why did she NOT curse Cora?

Wait, What?: True Love's Kiss FAIL. Rumpel kisses Belle and her memories do NOT return. So, what kind of "spell" are the people who cross the town line under?

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