Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Recap - Welcome to Storybrooke

Who did we meet?: Kurt and Owen Flynn.

What did we learn?: Greg Mendel's backstory.

Where/when did the events take place?: Present Day Storybrooke, Storybrooke 29 years prior.

Why is this important?: Mr. Gold genuinely seems to not remember who he is. When we meet him 28 years later, he very much does even though he's still being cagey about it. How did he manage to engineer Henry's adoption? That's clearly no coincidence.

Remaining Questions/Problems: Well now we need to find out what happened to Kurt Flynn. The obvious solution is to look in the asylum where Regina tended to keep all her problems and pawns locked away. So did the time not passing in Storybrook keep him from aging as well? Because then we're not so much Storybrooke as "New Neverland."

Best Line: "Would you like me to come over later?" - Sherriff Graham
Yes. Yes I would Jamie Dornan. You call me.

Wait, what?: ...the guy who crashed his car into a tree has the Mayor's cell phone number? And knows who the Mayor's kid (guess he's still legally hers!) is? And HAS HER CELL PHONE NUMBER??? I guess the short explanation is that he's stalking Regina. ...but HE TOLD HER WHO HE WAS. Typically stalkers don't do that. Do they? I'm happy to say I have no practical experience on either end of the stalking spectrum. In all seriousness, why isn't he looking harder for his father instead of trying to expose magic? That seems like the more pressing motive. Wouldn't it be simpler to approach Regina with a very real threat of straight up blackmail, and demand your father in exchange for your silence?

Really OUAT?: Regina. *sigh* When Rumpelstiltskin is the voice of reason and you sound like a bratty, petulant child  - it might be time to take some serious stock. JUST going to point out that I suggested seeing Dr. Hopper last week. At this point, I am ready to suggest that you take up a hobby. Does Storybrooke have a Color Me Mine(tm)? There are still stables in Storybrooke - take up riding. Daniel would want you to.

Oh Henry!: You tried to get rid of magic with dynamite down a well. Why is it that the more adult supervision this kid has(we're now at two biological parents, one step-parent, and three grandparents) , the wider the depth and breadth and scope of the trouble he gets into?

No, but really: Regina seriously. Getting bored with your curse is not reason to wrongfully imprison a man, and attempt to kidnap his son. You do not have good social skills. Granted, you were raised by a woman without a heart. But you're an adult now. You're responsible for yourself. Spend some time in the self-help section of the library. Schedule some very expensive couch time. (WITH A DOCTOR. Minds out of the gutter people.) Take a vacation. Remember, YOU can leave Storybrooke.

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