Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Recap - Child of the moon SPOILERS

WHO did we meet: Billy/Gus, Anita, Quinn...and look how well that worked out.

WHAT did we learn: Ruby still transforms, and she can control herself when she does. But we sort of knew that. When Snow attacks the castle trying to save Charming, Red is there as a scout/weapon.

WHERE did we go/When did the events take place: Nowhere new - Present Day Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest before the castle was taken back by Charming and Snow, before Regina cast the Dark Curse.

WHY does this matter: Ruby/Red's whole backstory. Why does it matter? We know that Ruby has some wolf-tendancies while human (heightened senses, tracking) and we didn't need a whole episode to learn that she transforms.

Remaining Problems: Granny's a wolf, but doesn't turn. She "took" Red away from her mother. IS Anita Granny's daughter/daughter in law? Where's Red's father? Does it matter? Do we care?

Best Line: "Once one controls something, one no longer need fear it" - Rumplestiltskin  Wow. Talk about your loaded lines. So who's controlling whom?

Best Line Runner-Up: "You have wolf hearing too?" "It's not all it's cracked up to be. Especially in a hotel." - Belle and Granny. Hahahaha! Gross.

Really OUAT?: You introduce/reveal THREE new characters, and kill them ALL? Bad form. Also, Ruby is AWFULLY ready to go out and be decimated by an angry mob. Self-hating werewolf. Why don't more people in town seek therapy? I miss Archie.

Educated Guesses: With the incineration of the remains of Jefferson's Hat, one avenue of travel is closed. Maybe. Unless we can use the ashes of those too. But as Jefferson says, a hat without magic is only a hat. They still have the magic. The hat might not actually matter.

Well THAT didn't take long: The burning room! I didn't think we'd see it quite so soon.

Don't Trust: Spencer/King George. Obviously. Now that he's been outed as someone with a grudge against David - so the turn-the-town-against-him gambit probably won't work again. Now he's a man with truly nothing left to lose, he's arguably more dangerous.

Crackpot Theory: This actually isn't so crackpot - I think George is going to try and take Henry. If he does, he's going to stoke the ire of Regina, and possibly Gold as well - who seems to have a strange, unexplained fondness for Henry. It could be that Henry reminds him of Baelfire - but I think there's more to it than that.

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